MotiveWave Install Script
Aug 31, 2024
I wrote a simple bash script to automate the MotiveWave Linux installation guide so it’s easier to update on RPM distros. It also changes the scaling to 1.5 for 4K displays, but you can remove that code if you don’t need it.
Download the .deb
from here and run the script.
# MotiveWave install script for non-deb distros
echo 'Extracting...'
ar x motivewave*.deb
tar -xf control.tar.xz
tar -xf data.tar.xz
echo 'Copying...'
sudo mv usr/share/applications/motivewave.desktop /usr/share/applications/
sudo mkdir /usr/share/motivewave
sudo cp -R usr/share/motivewave/* /usr/share/motivewave/
echo 'Running post install script...'
sudo ./postinst
# cleanup
echo 'Cleaning up'
rm control.tar.xz
rm data.tar.xz
rm preinst
rm postinst
rm debian-binary
rm control
rm -rf usr
rm motivewave*.deb
# scaling
echo 'Updating scale...'
sudo sed -i 's/SCALE=1/SCALE=1.5/' /usr/share/motivewave/
sudo sed -i '/if \[\[ \$H -gt 1800 \]\]; then SCALE=2; fi/s/^/# /' /usr/share/motivewave/
sudo sed -i '/if \[\[ \$H -gt 4000 \]\]; then SCALE=3; fi/s/^/# /' /usr/share/motivewave/