AMDGPU Overclock on Startup
May 6, 2017
  1. Create a bash script to easily change the overclock settings.
    • /usr/bin/amdgpu_oc
    • ``` #!/bin/bash

Core clock

if [ $# -ge 1 ] then echo $1 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/pp_sclk_od fi

Memory clock

if [ $# -ge 2 ] then echo $2 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/pp_mclk_od fi

Power mode

if [ $# -ge 3 ] then echo $3 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level fi

   - `chmod +x /usr/bin/amdgpu_oc`

1. Create a systemd service to load the configuration on startup. Change the settings to your liking. The core clock and memory clock range from `0`% to `20`%. The performance level can be set to `low`, `high`, or `auto`.
  - `/etc/systemd/system/amdgpu-oc.service`
  - ```
Description=AMDGPU OC

ExecStart=/usr/bin/amdgpu_oc 0 0 auto

  • systemctl enable amdgpu-oc.service
  • systemctl start amdgpu-oc.service