Linux Subsystem Text Colors
Sep 30, 2017

Directory colors are not easily readable with bash. This registry change will modify the terminal colors to the default xterm colors. Thanks to the user tobia on Github. This issue was really annoying!

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;                    00BBGGRR, not RGB!
"ColorTable00"=dword:00000000 ;  0 - black
"ColorTable04"=dword:000000CD ;  1 - dark red
"ColorTable02"=dword:0000CD00 ;  2 - dark green
"ColorTable06"=dword:0000CDCD ;  3 - dark yellow
"ColorTable01"=dword:00EE0000 ;  4 - dark blue
"ColorTable05"=dword:00CD00CD ;  5 - dark magenta
"ColorTable03"=dword:00CDCD00 ;  6 - dark cyan
"ColorTable07"=dword:00E5E5E5 ;  7 - light gray
"ColorTable08"=dword:007F7F7F ;  8 - dark gray
"ColorTable12"=dword:000000FF ;  9 - red
"ColorTable10"=dword:0000FF00 ; 10 - green
"ColorTable14"=dword:0000FFFF ; 11 - yellow
"ColorTable09"=dword:00FF5C5C ; 12 - blue
"ColorTable13"=dword:00FF00FF ; 13 - magenta
"ColorTable11"=dword:00FFFF00 ; 14 - cyan
"ColorTable15"=dword:00ffffff ; 15 - white

This appears to have been fixed recently. I reinstalled Windows and grabbed Ubuntu from the Windows Store and the colors are much better.
